Inhalt der Akte ist eine Materialsammlung zum "11. Annual Avant Garde Festival of New York" am 16. November 1974, das von Charlotte Moorman organisert wurde. Neben Ankündigungen und Programmen des Festivals enthält die Akte vor allem Material der Künstler, die zu einer Pressemappe zusammengestellt wurden, darunter:
- Ankündigung des Festivals
- Programm des Festivals
- Künstlerliste des Festival
- Begleitbrief der Pressemappe zum Festival mit persönlichem Gruß von Moorman an Baecker
Pressemitteilungen zu:
- Charlotte Moorman: Flying Cello. A Trapeze Music Event by Jim McWilliams
- Bill Fontana: Composition for Preferred Objects
- Geoffrey Hendricks: Performance "Blanket"
- The Guerrilla Art Action Group: "United States of America vd. Artist Jean Toche"
- Künstlern und technische Beschreibung des "Museum of Hologrphy Avant Garde Festival Credits"
- Projekt "Plant Music"
- "Christo's Valley Curtain"
- Jonathan Price: Poster Poems
- Marilyn Wood, Richard Rigolo, Judy Mann, Cornelius Van Zeyl, Robert Wood, Ruth Coron, Anna Lockwood, Richard Kostelanetz, Alison Knowles, Nelson Howe, Brian Sherman, Jeff Bradford: The Participation Project Foundation
- Franz Kamin: A Ritual Embedding of the Spiders Risk into non-Haus-Dorf M-Space
- Arthur and Corinne Cantrille: Skin of Your Eye Seen
- Jackson Mac Low: A Vocabulary for Charlotte Moorman
- Minoru Yoshida: The Theory of New Relativity.?
- Eugene Dolgoff: Watch the Birdie
- Brian Sherman: An Ayone Can Things
- Floating Red Lines
- Yasunao Tone: Statement on "The communication with Mr X"
- Pauline Oliveros: What to do on encountering creatures from outer space (May 1972)
- Eric Andersen: Become a Member of Eric Andersen's Random Audience
- Knud Pedersen: An Example of an Instant Library
- Peter Neumann und Emmett Williams: Exerpt from a tribute to Guillaume Apollinaire
- Charlotte Holtzermann und Leonard Horowitz: Duet
- Otto von Ruggins: Ball Games
- Franklin E. Morris: Syn City
- Nam June Paik: Fluxus Sonata II
- Jan Van Raay: O, Shea Can You See
- Poetry Program
- Yoko Ono: 46 Reflections
- Jill Kroesen: Fay Shism Blues
- Lil Picard und Charles Schwartz: Quiet Dots
- Nelson Howe: Peripatetic Work
- Alexandra Ogsbury und Nannette Sievert: Stanchion Dance
- Soho Media Cooperative: If Money Is The Question, What Is The Question?
- Grassman: A Self-Portait
- Fletcher Copp: Explanation of the Ardts
- Antoni Miralda: Edible Art
- Marty Reisman
- Edith Stephen Dance Co.
- The Emergence Group
- Geoff Hendricks: Post Card #10
- Larry V. Miller: Message Service for Extra-Terrestrial Beings
- Bart Johnson: Starflakes